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Ensuring Equitable Access to Health

Wednesday, 14th September, 2022

A sideline breakout session titled “Ensuring Equitable Access to Health” at the 3rd Regional Asia-Pacific Seminar of IPU was held at Parliament House today. Ms Palitha Mahipala, WHO Representative and head of Mission to Pakistan, Ms Aleksandra Blagojevic, Programme Manager for International Development, IPU and Mr Habibe Millat, Former President of the IPU Advisory Group on Health, MP, Bangladesh and member National Assembly Nisar Ahmad Cheema, deputy speaker of Nepal, a representative from Vietnam, Srilankan and Iranian MPs spoke and expressed their views on the subject. They also shared their experiences. The session discussed health issues, especially after the Pandemic and debated ways to tackle them. The session stressed ensuring equitable access to health and implementation of the SDGs target to bring at least 5 billion people under the umbrella of Universal Health Care. The WHO head of mission in Pakistan called for allocating a sufficient budget for health and dispensing 4-5 % of their GDP in the health sector.

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